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- PVC pipes for street sewerage STIGMA UK – Transport and Storage
PVC-U pipes, due to their considerable resistance to wear and impact and low weight, enable uncomplicated transport and efficient storage procedures and practically do not require special protective measures. Nevertheless, careful handling is required, as attention should be paid to sharp objects and edges that can permanently damage the pipe. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the means of transport and storage areas with sharp objects and protect the sharp edges. Greater attention should also be paid to the transport of pipes at temperatures below 5 ° C, when PVC pipes become less resistant to shocks.
The pipes should be folded along their entire length and should be protected against slipping. The loading height should not exceed one meter. In the case of palletized pipes and multi-storey storage, it is necessary to ensure that the wooden frames of one pallet rest on the wooden frames of the pallet below it (wood on wood).
When loading or unloading pipes, do not pull over sharp edges or on the ground. We recommend the use of suitable tools, such as lifting straps.
The material from which the pipes are made is UV stabilized and thus quite resistant to ultraviolet rays and other weather conditions. However, we recommend that you store the pipes unprotected from the weather for a maximum of one year. In case of prolonged storage, the pipes must be protected from sunbeams.