
PE-HD pipes for street sewerage STIKAN

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  • PE-HD pipes for street sewerage STIKAN

Sewage pipelines today have to perform a more difficult task than ever before. Every year, the amount of wastewater is higher, and the concentrations of aggressive and harmful media contained in sewage are also higher. In times of stricter regulations, due to the considerable fear that possible damage to sewage pipelines would lead to the leakage of fecal water and contaminate groundwater, surrounding land or even sources of drinking water, every effort should be made to prevent such catastrophes.

Long-term observations of the most common failures of sewer pipelines in European countries show that the highest number of damages occurs with rigid pipes, due to changing conditions in the immediate vicinity of the pipeline, which causes excessive local stresses on the pipeline and thus a high probability of permanent damage. In such cases, flexible pipes are the right solution, which is increasingly used in areas where there is a possibility of earthquakes, wetting of the earth during downpours and floods, and due to other factors.

The STIKAN pipe system consists of two-layer pipes made of high-density polyethylene (PE-HD), with an outer ribbed and smooth inner wall, which are the result of several decades of international development and fully meet the requirements for sewer systems. At the same time, they enable low installation costs, large material savings and extremely little burden on the natural environment.